Friday, May 22, 2015

Best. Wedding. Ever.

From the first day that I met her, I have loved my new daughter-in-law.  She's lovely in so many ways but she won my heart immediately for her low maintenance personality.  I knew she was perfect for my son.

They set yesterday as their wedding date in celebration of their three year anniversary.  Meg and I arrived a couple of hours ahead of time so we could help in whatever way we could.  Colleen was smart though, or at least it seemed.  She left Jay and Fin on their own so she could get her nails, hair and makeup done without the distractions of home.  If you knew her, you would know what a big deal this is.  She's a "wash and wear, ready at on a moment's notice" kinda girl.  I was so happy that she was making the day special.

The courthouse they chose performs marriage ceremonies between the hours of 2 and 4 PM. At 1:00 she texted to say she'd be home at 2:30.  Well, 2:30 became 3:00.  At 2:45 she was still stuck in traffic.  They live a good 30 minutes from the courthouse so it became clear she wasn't going to make it.  (I would be seriously remiss if I didn't mention here that Jay was surprisingly very calm throughout all of this.  I'm sure it helped that he had Aunt Meg and two Grandmas to play "pass the Fin-Man" while we waited.)  Colleen must have suggested that we meet her there (rather than her coming home to get us) because the next thing I knew, we were all piling in the car.  Halfway there I casually asked "Did she wear her dress?"  Jay very matter of factly said "Nope."


So of course I asked what she had on. "Shorts."  uh-oh.  We were too far away to go back for a dress so I decided I'd switch clothes with her as soon as we got there.

She had arrived a few minutes before we did and greeted us at the entrance, totally cool and calm. Beautiful hair, makeup, nails....and shorts.  She politely refused my offer and said "They called our number but apparently we both have to be here to get married!  They made me take another one."  ROFLMBO!!!  We waited maybe 15 minutes and then "they were up."

We were led to a pretty little room off the main lobby where a clerk administered the ceremony.

Colleen didn't miss a beat.

She was so genuinely happy to be marrying my son, she didn't give a hoot about what she was wearing.  How can a mother-in-law not love her?

I laughed throughout the whole two minute ceremony.  Best. Wedding. Ever. Seriously.

We went back to their place where she changed into her dress for more photos and dinner out with family and friends.

(Yes, Jay wore flip-flops.  That's how they roll!)

Fin doesn't know it but his mommy and daddy just had the most memorable wedding day ever.  I hope it a sign of many wonderful days to come.


Catherine said...


Unknown said...

OMG I love her and I've never met her!! That is so awesome! The dress isn't what it's about (but her dress is beautiful!) Congratulations!