Friday, October 30, 2015

Finley Friday

I have a confession to make.  Yesterday I chose to play in JulieWorld rather than edit last weekend's photos of Fin.  Sorry.

I do have two short video clips that I'd like to share.  For some reason I could not get them both embedded into the body of this post so please follow the links below to view them on YouTube. They are both quite short.  Twenty seconds each, give or take.

A little background...

Two weekends ago when Meg and I were visiting their place we noticed that Fin had two distinct sounds that he made quite often.  I captured the first one during breakfast that weekend.


I had been unsuccessful in capturing his second unique sound on video so I was delighted when I received this clip from Jay yesterday.


Fin vocalizes both sounds numerous times throughout the day.  The first one, what I call his panting noise, comes out when he gets very excited.  The second one, his gutteral zombie, doesn't seem to have any sort of trigger.

His parents were clueless as to where/how his noises originated but I have a fairly good idea.

He's imitating Marley, their border collie.  *smile*  Now Marley isn't a growler but when she plays she makes a low sound extremely similar to the one Fin has adopted.  (Trust me, we heard it all weekend when she and Bitzy were chasing each other all over my house.  LOL!)

What do you think?  Am I right?  :-)  

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Babies are an endless source of entertainment!