Thursday, October 1, 2015

A New Do

Months ago I decided to try out a new hairstyle, the angle bob.  (A blunt cut where the back was shorter than the front.)  I failed miserably at it.  Love the look, just not on me.  Finally last week I decided it was time to go back to a layered "do" with side bangs.

I am not sharing any "before" photos.  That's how bad my hair looked.  But I am happy to share my "afters."  I only wish I'd aborted my experiment months ago.

It's amazing what a good cut will do for your self esteem.  I am feeling soooooo much better now!

Other happenings...

I just returned from yet another dentist appointment but I'm thrilled to say that this one went smoothly and my final crown is in. appears that Meg and I are both fighting off colds.  Grrr!  I did stop at Tropical Smoothie on my way home from the dentist where I picked up an Island Green detox with a Vitamin C additive.  I intend to spend the rest of my afternoon curled up with a book.


Catherine said...

The hair looks wonderful!

Melanie said...

You look awesome! I hope you're able to fend off that cold!