Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Menu and New Fav Site

As promised....My Menu for the Week of 1/30 to 2/5

Monday - Shrimp Tacos with Citrus Cabbage Slaw, Memphis Style Cole Slaw
Tuesday - Turkey Sausage/Spinach Quiche
Wedneday - Old Fashioned Beef Stew (I'll have leftover quiche)
Thursday - Chicken Cutlets, Smashed Potatoes/Peas
Friday - Salmon Cakes, Roasted Cauliflower
Saturday/Sunday - Turkey Burgers, Oven Roasted Potatoes

I always leave one day open for juggling and I'll be sure to share any winning recipes.  Next up...

I'm very excited to share this website/app with you.   I downloaded this app on my Ipad when I first got it last spring but never realized it's full potential until last week. And for those without Ipads, no worries...they also have a website which is the real beauty of it all!

Big Oven - Online

Big Oven - App

With their free version (both online and app) you have access to thousands of wonderful recipes. You can mark them as Fav, Try Soon...provide reviews and even add your own recipes with photos. You can make your added recipes visible to all or personal just to you. 

The paid version ($15 a year) gives you access to a wonderful meal planning menu. If you go to the calendar you can type in your meals for any given day OR drag and drop recipes from your site bookmarks. You can shuffle anything around by dragging. Hit Save and it's there forever so you can see at a glance what you cooked when.

And best of all? After you've planned your week's menu you can hit the shopping cart icon and it will automatically generate a shopping list for you. Each meal comes up separately. If you already have the ingredient you uncheck the box. Once you finish meal #1 it pops up with meal #2, etc AND your final list is sorted by aisle!!! Plus you can type in other things that you might need. Print it directly from your computer or if on an Ipad, you can email it to yourself.

If you use both the online version and the Ipad app (which I do) it automatically syncs every entry for you so no matter which one you pull up so everything you've done on either device is right there.

But wait! There's more! If you have a handwritten recipe you can scan it and send it to them and they will type it all out for you. So say you're at a friends house and they just made this delicious dish. You snap a photo of the with your phone and send it along. (or your camera/download/send) With the paid version you get 28 for free. After that it's 0.99 per recipe. But it's very easy to type in your own with their pre-formatted form.

My menu this week includes some recipes from their site and recipes that I found elsewhere. I typed in the ones not on their site, marked them as Try Soon, did a drag/drop to my menu calendar and it generated my entire grocery list. I actually did my shopping for the week yesterday because I was so prepared. :-)

The pro version is free for 2 weeks. I'm starting my 2nd week today and will definitely be buying the annual subscription. It is sooooo worth $15.

Give this a try!  Trust me, it's totally awesome!


Lynne said...

I use that app too. I have tried several of their recipes - with mixed results. One suggestion, be sure to read the comments because there is often helpful hints. I think almost every recipe I have tried I have altered based on the comments because what the people said really made sense.

Catherine said...

I need to check this out!