Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's a Sign

If you follow decorating blogs you may have noticed the latest trend of painting interior doors black.  For months I have been patiently waiting for my hip to heal enough to do just that to the door that leads from the laundry room to the garage.  (I'm actually leaning towards a black chalkboard paint.)  Well last night, as I lay awake into the wee hours of the morning (thank you "age-related" insomnia), I was thinking of just this project.  Eventually my mind wandered to the The Rolling Stone's singing "I see a red door and I want to paint it black."  I was still hearing those lyrics in my head when I woke this morning.  Fast forward to 4:30 PM this afternoon.  We're leaving the house to pick up Meg from tutoring when I turn the ignition key in the van and I kid you not....on the radio at that exact moment was Mick singing not only the song BUT the exact lyric "I see a red door and I want to paint it black."  Is that totally bizarre or what?   I told Randy (who is against the idea) that our door was calling out to me.  It's meant to be...



Catherine said...

LOL....that's so Twilight Zone!

Helmka Family said...

I agree...very odd...it must be a sign! Make sure you post a photo of your black door.