Thursday, November 5, 2015

Book Club

Tonight I'm hosting the first official meeting of our new local book club.  Our first selection was Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee and I'm sure it will spark a lot of discussion.

We agreed to keep our meetings simple and fuss-free but anyone who knows me realizes that fuss-free isn't really in my vocabulary.  I'm compromising with my inner self by making a big pot of this White Chicken Chili, not to be confused with the Ruby Tuesdays' recipe that I usually make. They are both delicious but quite a bit different.  I made Mel's version a few weeks ago and it was a hit. Since it's also the easier of the two to prepare, it became my choice for this evening.  Other members will be bringing various appetizers and wine while I'll provide chilled water and assorted beers.

I'm really looking forward to our meeting and come tomorrow, I'll be starting in on Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen for my Miami book club group which meets on November 21st.  So many books, so little time.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I'm sure the chili will be a hit!