Thursday, August 1, 2013

Some Layouts to Share

It's been awhile since I've shared anything from JulieWorld.

I'm still bouncing back and forth between current photos and those taken in 2009, aka, "the year of no scrapping"  but today's pages (created with Scrapbook Generations kits) are both created using 2013 photos.

This set of photos came about when Meg refused to let me take her picture one morning before school. (I thought she looked really cute in her white jean capris.  Photo opp, right?) To show her "who's boss" I went inside and grabbed my zoom lens and preceeded to photograph her from my doorstep which is across the street (and then some) from her bus stop.  I'm not sure how well the photos are showing up but it didn't take long for her to spy me and try to run. Ha...there is no outrunning Mama's zoom.  (Next time she'll just pose in the drive, right?)

This second layout is of Meggie and one of her BFFs who was spending the night at our house.  They made some yummy pizza for dinner and then had a craft night.  The crayon art idea is one Meg found on Pinterest.  (She now has her own account and is constantly finding projects she wants to tackle.)

I have more recent pages to share but need to get them photographed.  Look for them over the next several days.


Catherine said...

Uh-huh...just wait until she starts pinning skirts and wants to make one a week all summer long! Gaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Helmka Family said...

You are on a roll! So great to see you scrapping again! Wish I could get some mojo!