Friday, January 18, 2013

New Tech Goodies

Keeping up with Project Life is going to be a challenge for me.  I know that.  But I think I've found a couple of solutions that will help me tremendously.

My good friend Lynne turned me on to the Canon Selphy 900 Printer.  In addition to be tiny and wireless it is also Iphone/Ipad friendly, meaning the photos I take from my phone can be printed immediately.  No downloading, no cords, no formatting...just open the Canon App, choose the photo and hit print.  Totally AWESOME!  And by downloading the included software, I'm able to print wirelessly from my HP laptop just as easily.

My second new tech goodie is called the EyeFi.  I'd been coveting it for ages but it took PL to provide me with the push I needed to order it, and boy am I glad I did.  What is it, you ask?  It's an amazing SD memory card (compatible with my Canon T31 DSLR camera) that sends the photos I take wirelessly to my HP laptop.  Again, no cords, no removing/inserting memory cards, just take a photo and within minutes it magically appears in my EyeFi file located in My Pictures folder.  SLICK!

My third "helper" is a subscription program I've had for a year now and wouldn't be without. You may be familiar with their television commercials.  The prorgram is Carbonite which is a cloud back up system for your computer.  Their servers will back up and store most anything on your computer for the mere pittance of $59 a year.  While I do still use external hard drives as duplicates it's great to know I have the added protection.  But my favorite thing about Carbonite is that, when you install their app on your Ipad, you have access to anything on your computer whether you're home or thousands of miles away.

So how does this all relate to Project Life?  Well I can now snap a photo from my DSLR, have it magically appear on my computer, pull it from my computer onto my Ipad via Carbonite, edit it quickly with one of several fabulous Ipad photo apps (which do the work of Photoshop in one step instead of 10) and send it to my printer in the matter of two minutes or less.  Totally FABULOUS!  I do love technology.

I'm leaving you with my PL page from Week 2 of 2013. It's a mix of both photos and memorabilia which is how I predict most of my future pages will look.

Thanks for stopping by!


Lynne said...

I am actually taking my Selphy with me this weekend when we are in Denver in case I snap a shot I want to print right away!

I love the math scratch paper included in week 2!

Catherine said...

Very awesome, Tech Woman!!

Helmka Family said...

Very cool new gagets! Fun pages!