Friday, January 4, 2013

Bike Talk

We recently returned from a visit with my family across the state.  During those four days we shopped, we fished, we played games, we read, we ate, we drank, we ate and oh yeah, we ate.  My diet will start on the 7th when Meg returns to school.

The weather has been a bit on the warm side these past few days but still nice enough to get out and enjoy the sunshine.  Yesterday Meg needed to return something to a friend so I suggested we take the bikes rather than the car.  It was the third time out on the new bike and the first since my surgery. Thankfully I had no problems riding but stopping and getting off was uncomfortable and sometimes painful.  Nevertheless we enjoyed our outing.  I was looking forward to going back out but because it was making a "weird sound" I asked Randy to check it out before continuing on.  Survey says - the back rim was bent in two places!  I'd hoped Walmart would allow me to exchange it but because it had been over 90 days I was told I had to contact the manufacturer.  Grrr.  Not happy.

Randy, ever concerned about my safety, urged me to let him buy me a better bike. But I wanted my bike.  My cute, cute bike.  Seafoam green trimmed in brown and cream with the cutest saddle bags.

He finally convinced me to go to a bike store and look around.  I was having sticker shock at the prices of bikes and was adamant that I would just get mine repaired, which come to find out, was going to cost well over $100 because of the 3 speed coaster brakes....AND the rim would be silver and not brown. :-(   Again, NOT happy.

I finally did look at several bikes but it wasn't until I saw this one that I waivered....

The difference between this bike and most others may not be immediately noticeable to you but I was drawn in right away.  Look!!!  NO HORIZONTAL BARS!!!!  To those of us with hip replacements this is nothing short of AWESOME!  I took it for a test ride and loved it all except for the seat.  No problem, they switched it out for the one on my "old" bike.  Sold!  Once home I added my barrel bag and it was ready to go.

I took a few spins on the side street and then ventured out on my former running route.  I had planned to turn around at the 1.75 mile point (my 3.5 mile running route) but it felt so good to be out that I just keep going....and going...and going.  I felt like Forrest Gump....Pedal, Julie, Pedal!  I'm guessing my final loop was close to six miles long.  I'm sure my quads will be sore tomorrow and my butt will ache but it was so fabulous to be traveling outside in something other than a car.  But the best part?  No hiking my bad leg over a bar to get off. Yay!!!

I did leave my "new, old bike" at the shop to be repaired.  Turns out if they disconnect the 3 speed and make it a single speed bike the cost for repairs is just over $50. The rim will still be silver (not cream) and it now has a black seat (not brown) but it's will still be a cool looking bike to have as an extra.   Now to just talk Randy into getting his bike down from the hanger....


Catherine said...

Well, that's cool! Looks like the bike will be just the thing. I've never seen one with no horizontal bars!

Helmka Family said...

That is awesome! I love your new bike! So glad you got out for some fun in the sun.