Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December Daily Catch Up

Just a quick post to share my latest December Daily pages....

Day 6 - lettuce and green onions from our garden.

No, Day 7 wasn't a very bad day.  I've blacked it out because it's displays this year's Christmas card.  Because most of you will be receiving one so I don't want to give away my photo just yet.  

Day 8 - Garage sale 
Day 9 - Tree up, not decorated yet

Day 10 - Christmas decorations still in the boxes
Day 11 - Finally, a decorated tree

Day 12 - A photo of the clock today at 12:12

Today, 12-12-12, is my nephew's 15th birthday.  Happy Birthday Clay!!! (Hint: Stalk your mailman.  *wink*)


Catherine said...

This is looking really great!

Helmka Family said...

You are doing a great job! Your pages all look wonderful!