Friday, December 7, 2012

Some Moments Just Plain Suck

We have a couple of Christmas functions coming up and apparently no amount of wishing is going to make these 20 extra pounds magically disappear.  I'm tired of wearing the same three pairs of crop pants for the last 8 months so it was time to put on my big girl panties and go shopping for a nice pair of jeans, no matter the size.

I spent a good hour this morning trying to stuff my fat ass into cute jeans while at the same time searching for shirts that cover my muffin top.  (Not an easy feat, either of them.)  So it hits I am limping painfully around the store because I had to stop all anti-inflammatories last night due to  a colonoscopy scheduled for next Tuesday....wearing sunglasses inside because I had my yearly opthalmogist appointment for my pre-glaucoma condition and my eyes are totally dialated....all the while desperately trying to make my way to the back of the store because, thanks to my high blood pressure medicine, I have the urgent need to pee....and I'm having hot flashes to boot. (All true...I couldn't make this stuff up.) It totally sucks to feel old when you're not.

I'm off to physical therapy, dragging my fat ass and muffin top along with me.....


Catherine said... a straw......through a collapsed paper straw.

Melanie said...

Hugs, Julie!

Helmka Family said...

Hugs to you!!!!
Hang in there!