Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Preparing for Christmas

Last weekend was one of my favorite days of the year, our 3rd Annual Baking Day with friends.  I spent Saturday prepping for the big day by baking cookies for the cookie exchange and gathering supplies for the projects that I like to do with the kids.  This year I toted along supplies to make Christmas cake pops and candy cane sleighs while another girlfriend brought items for Nutter Butter reindeer.  Afterward the kids all gathered outdoors to make their annual gingerbread creations.

Several other girlfriends joined us later but here's a group shot of us taken early in the festivities.  The pretty lady on the left was our wonderful hostess.

A photo of Meg's completed gingerbread work of art.

Finally I have some additional December Daily pages to share.

Last Friday night Meggie and I were invited to our local high school's Jubilate concert.  The choir was fantastic and we both enjoyed it very much. Saturday's photos show the cookies I baked for our annual cookie exchange.

Sunday's page shows the projects completed by the girls as well as a group photo of the gingerbread station.  Monday's page is of the lone unidentified present that I placed under our tree with the sole purpose of driving Meg crazy. Yes, I have succeeded.

I actually ventured out to the mall on Monday where it was surprisingly quiet.  I only went to two stores (Old Navy and Macy's) and was successful in finding exactly what I was looking for.  I honestly think that with the exception of stocking stuffers, this represents my only local Christmas purchases.

Up next....the creation of my girlfriend gifts and lots and lots of wrapping, my least favorite part of the holiday season.  You'd think that one who loves to play with paper would also love wrapping but nope....HATE IT!  You?


Catherine said...

I'm OK with wrapping, it's just that it seems like such a pain to do along with the mountains of other things.

Helmka Family said...

What a fun time! Great photo of you lovely ladies!
Megs creation was wonderful!