Thursday, October 27, 2011

Getting Personal

When recording one's life onto pretty pages filled with beautiful papers and fun embellishments the tendency is to document the fun/good times and ignore the ugly/bad times.   While I don't feel that every dirty little secret/severe illness/emotional trauma needs to be recorded in extreme detail I do feel like it is my responsibility to my children/grandchildren to at least make reference to our life's downs as well as our ups.  (I did this with my CRMO layout.  It's just not possible to accurately document the anguish we felt during those few months but I felt it was important that I acknowledge that period of time.)

Many of you are already aware of this but some of you are not.  I co-own a scrapbooking website with two very good friends, Catherine (Idaho), and Lynne (Colorado).  For many years now we have shared stories of our children and our lives though forums (chat) and web galleries (scrapbook layouts) with 50 dear friends, all in the private setting of our site.  Catherine and Lynne were privy to the information in my layout below but others reading here were not. No doubt there was a lot of speculation as to just what happened to me in 2009-2010 when I virtually disappeared off the site.  I thank Catherine and Lynne for taking up my slack and covering for me.  It was a dark time when creating layouts and mindless chatter with online friends was just not possible for me.

I created this page as part of the Sept. LOAD.  The prompt was to document an ending.  I deleted the journaling when I uploaded it into the LOAD gallery but have decided to share it with you all here.

I see no need to record all of the heartbreaking details so I've decided to let this layout speak for the year that Randy and I were apart. We've been back together for well over a year now and it thrills me to say that we've never been happier.   I do plan to create a follow-up page sometime in the near future but I envision it being much like this one...short and to the point.

The ironic thing about this layout is that, while it is not the most pleasant subject to discuss, it is one of my all time favorite pages with respect to color/photos/design.  Maybe it was meant to be another important part of the healing process.

PS - For anyone interested, our website is  If you're interested in joining us, please register so that you can view the entire site.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blog Neglect

It's been a bit hectic lately.  I spent a few days last week visiting my parents in Tampa and then came home to a very busy weekend.  It's been awhile since I've had any play time in JulieWorld but I'm hoping to get in there for a couple of hours today.

I'd like to share another layout I did for the September LOAD class.  The prompt was to scraplift yourself.  (This design is the same I used in my Happy layout.) The very willing subjects are my daughter and her three cousins.

When at my parent's it seems most all photos are taken in the kitchen.  One of these days I'm going to learn how to set my camera manually to eliminate the yellowness.  See those cabinets?  They're not maple, they're an antiqued white/cream.  Even my Photoshop skills aren't enough to get the final coloring right.  Mel, Catherine....any quick pointers?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mickey Card

One of my daughter's friends is a real Disney fanatic.  She just loves everything Mickey, Minnie, Pooh and Princess etc, etc, etc,.  She recently celebrated her eleventh birthday and I wanted to make her a special card to go along with her Disney gifts.  

Using a large Spellbinder circle die I cut out two circles from black cardstock.  I used a smaller die to cut out two ears on a fold.  I attached the smaller folded circles to the two larger ones so that the card opens vertically at the ears.  I hand drew the face onto white, black and red cardstock, cut the pieces out and then attached them to the front of the card.

According to Meg her little friend LOVED the card which was later confirmed by her mother.  I just love it when recipients appreciate the love and work I put into a project.  Meg, who was more impressed than she cared to let on, has already put in a request for a Pooh card on her next birthday.  :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Weekend Guest

As if I'm not already feeling old enough this week, my son is home for his 10 year class reunion.  I honestly do not know where the time goes.  But it's wonderful to have him home and we're enjoying his visit tremendously.

I wanted to show you all just what "happy mail" looks like.  I got these wonderful goodies from my dear friend Catherine on Wednesday.  So much better than AARP notices.  :)

And Dad, maybe I'll bring along some jam and pickles when I visit next week. Maybe.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

50 and a day....

Yesterday came and went very quietly.  I am officially 50 and even AARP knows it.  Got this little tidbit in the mail last week.

I love "happy mail."  Happy mail is defined as cards, scrappy supplies at my door, surprise gifts, etc.  This, my dear friends, IS NOT happy mail.

But putting birthdays into perspective, they can't be all bad when you have a fun loving tween in the house constantly making you smile.   Meg called me in to her room a couple of days ago to see something.  Before she opened the door she prefaced it with a "You're probably not going to like this but..."  (Never a good sign.)

I couldn't help but laugh though when I saw her latest creation.

The story goes....

"I found these clothes pins in your scrap room and wanted to make a clothes line.  I went to the garage to get the rope and remembered the pulley.   Daddy helped me hang it.  (The hook was already there.)  Isn't it cool, Mommy?"

:)  This girl is a real trip.

Monday, October 10, 2011


At least it was to me.  At 4:30 Saturday afternoon there was a knock at the door.  My husband called to me and opened the door to pouring rain, a strange man with an umbrella, and a white stretch Hummer limousine in my drive.  I thought we were heading out to friends to hang out (not out of the ordinary in the least) but instead we were heading to Jupiter to celebrate my 50th birthday.  I can honestly say, I had absolutely no idea.  (My girlfriends had told me that they were taking me out on Sunday for a girls day birthday celebration and I totally bought it...even had my clothes picked out for the next day.)  My husband had arranged the whole thing and they somehow all managed to keep it all a secret.

The limo dropped Meg off at a friends and then headed south.  (It was a short ride for her but she LOVED every second of it.)  There were 13 of us total and on the way down they decked me out in a 50th tiara, birthday pins, banners, boas, etc which I wore most of the night. We went to dinner at a cabana type restaurant on the water and then stopped at a local bar on the way home.  I have to admit, it was my best birthday ever, even if I do have to turn 50 tomorrow.

Cameras flashed all night.  I don't have any photos yet but I'll share them when I do.  And if any of you are reading this....thank you once again for an absolutely wonderful night!!  And thank you Randy, for making me feel very, very special.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Latest Page

I had some time today to play in JulieWorld today so I tackled one of my remaining prompts from LOAD.  The photos will give you an idea of just why my shoulder aches.  (Which it did today...always does when I'm in at the desk playing with paper.  I finally figured out that it is the pressure I put on my left arm/shoulder when I use my exacto knife.)

Prompt - Use numbers on your page

I just downed an extra "dose" of ginger juice for my shoulder.  My thumbs are still good.  No real change in the hitch in my giddy-up which is better but has a long way to go.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I've been on my ginger juice tonic for a full two days now.  I can honestly say that my thumbs, while still quite stiff and somewhat achy, are no longer sore to the touch.  Hopefully they will continue to improve.  My groin-whatever it is (in my family it's referred to as a "hitch in my giddy-up") is still bothering me quite a bit but there is definite improvement. 1)  I was able to run last night (slow and easy 2 miler) but done with a slight limp and 2) I'm sitting here typing this with my legs crossed at the knees, something I haven't been close to being able to do in over two weeks.  My shoulder continues to be just fine. I'll keep you updated as to any further progress.

I wanted to share a couple more of my LOAD pages.

Prompt - Music.  Sharing some of my 70s Geek....

Prompt - Scrap like it's 1999...incorporated some older techniques and some really old stuff.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Ginger Juice

As most of you know, my daughter was diagnosed with CRMO last fall.  (Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis)  Simply put, it's an inflammatory disease of the bone for which she now takes prescription anti-inflammatories.  Since her diagnosis last fall she's had three recurrences, the most recent of which began in early September.  She'd been experiencing pain in her left forearm for about two weeks before she started complaining of at least four other sites.  She missed a few days of school but was trying to hang in there.  Then, during a trip to my parent's house, she had her worst days since the onset last fall.  For three nights she was up sobbing in pain.  We tried heating pads, ice, pressure, deep rubs, etc. but no relief.  

Meanwhile, my dad has suffered from arthritis for decades but years of anti-inflammatory meds had taken their toll on his kidneys.  He was forced to give them up and was even more miserable than ever.  Several months ago one of his golfing buddies shared a tip about ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory.  Dad tried it and the change in him is undeniable.  He now swears by it and both he and my mother have been trying to get Meg to drink "ginger juice" for months. Of course this was not at all appealing to a 10 year old....that was until our recent visit to their home.  On Meg's second night there, writhing in pain, she started begging for some of Grandpa's ginger juice. She drank her first remedy on Saturday morning and another glass that evening.  Saturday night was by far her worst night in a year.  We were up most of the night with her and I swore she'd be out of school for weeks.  She finally dozed off, sitting up in bed with the lights on, at about 4 AM.  When she got up later that morning she was smiling and moving like nothing happened.  She asked for more ginger (mixed with whatever soda we have on hand) and we drove home that afternoon without incident.  Unbelievably, she had her first great night of sleep in weeks that very night.  During the first week she did complain of some moderate aches (but not pain) and by week two she was pain free.  It's now week three of her daily ginger remedies and she's still symptom free.

I have been on anti-inflammatories for a year now myself, prescribed for the shoulder pain I now suffer due to my clavicle break.  I also have tendonitis in both thumbs (with my left thumb being the worst) and a nagging left groin pain that I've had for at least 20 years.  It's never been officially diagnosed and is hard to describe.  It's not a muscle pull nor is it starts in my groin and aches down to the inner mid thigh.  It has come and gone over the years...sometimes lasting a few weeks, other times lasting months.  It had been bothering me a bit for about 8 weeks but the visit to my parent's (and their two story house) has made it much, much worse.  I started on the ginger juice with Meg that weekend and was feeling much better but being the scientist that I am, I decided to perform my own study.  As of today I have been off both my Meloxicam and the ginger for 10 days.  While my pain is not like my daughter's or my father's, it is pain nonetheless. My thumbs are sore to the touch and I hobble around like an old lady.  I haven't run in a week.  Surprisingly, my shoulder hasn't bothered me much at all.

So today starts my own "official" science experiment.  I will be starting two to three daily doses of Grandpa's Ginger Juice to hopefully testify firsthand to it's natural healing powers.  If the results of my father and daughter hold true, I should be feeling much better soon. :)

Grandpa's Ginger Juice
Slice washed raw ginger root (skin and all) into about 1" chunks.  Add 3-5 chunks to a blender with 2 cups of water and blend on high.  Transfer to another container, if desired, and refrigerate overnight.  The next day, strain a portion of the "juice" into a glass.  (Dad and I drink ours straight.  My daughter requires a mixer such as Sprite, Fresca, Coke, etc.  Tonight she wants to try pineapple juice.)  Drink 2-3 times a day.

Not to bias my study *wink* but I'm predicting some good news in my next blog entry.

On another note, I'd like to wish my hubby a "Happy Birthday!"  Meggie and I will be baking a chocolate cake this afternoon, no doubt with tons of sprinkles.  As usual, I was at a loss for gifts but Meg had some really great ideas so he's going to have some fun things to open this evening.