Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's Very, Very Quiet Around Here

It's been really quiet around here.  Unfortunately that's because Baby Girl has been sick.  She started running a temp on July 5th (99.5-100.5) that lasted over a week.  She felt better for a couple of days and then presented with a sort throat, swollen glands and some sinus congestion.  It's pretty much been a "pajama July" for her.  :-(

A trip to the clinic yesterday ruled out strep and mono, both of which are good news, but it means there's not a lot that can be done.  Unfortunately we have a trip scheduled for Friday which is now in jeopardy.  (Yes Mom, I've been hiding this little tidbit from you.)  Randy put her on salt water gargles yesterday and it seems to be working.  She was up at 5:00 AM feeling better and asking for breakfast. I'm hopeful that she will be well enough to go.

So, beyond photographing Meg in her multitude of pajamas and sweats, there hasn't been a lot of "blog fodder" lately.  (A term used by my dear friend Catherine.)  Hopefully that changes really soon.

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