Thursday, September 5, 2013

Quick and Easy Appetizer

Today I'm sharing of one my "go-to" appetizers.  It's quick, easy and always one of the first to disappear at events.  (I took it to a cheer/football fundraiser we had last night and it disappeared almost instantly.)

For lack of a more creative name, I call it Layered Greek Dip.  It's a wonderful way to dress up pre-packaged ingredients for a yummy, homemade appetizer.

The ingredient measurements will vary on the size of your container but here's what you'll need....

Hummus, prepackaged (or homemade if you're ambitious like my son Jay)
Greek veggie dip, prepackaged (or homemade tahini sauce, again if you're ambitious)
cucumber, chopped
tomato, chopped
red onion, chopped
sliced black olives
feta cheese

For those who like a visual, these are the hummus and dip products I prefer...

To make this 8" cake pan I used one and a half containers of hummus and about 3/4 of the veggie dip.

Spread a generous amount of hummus (3/4" or so) to the bottom of the pan followed by a thinner layer of Greek dip.  Sprinkle your chopped veggies on top, followed by the black olives and then finish it off with the feta cheese. Easy, peasy.

I like to serve the dip with pita and/or pretzel chips.

I had enough hummus leftover to make a small container for myself.  (I say that because no one else eats it here but me.)

As you can see, I just added the leftover ingredients straight to one of the hummus containers.  To save calories I'll eat it with baby carrots.  It would also be good atop of some lettuce and/or fresh spinach.  If you're a hummus lover, you can't go wrong with this one.

(PS....Catherine, you and Jasmine would be great friends.  She tried a black olive that had landed on the floor and immediately spit it out. LOL!!)