Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tortellini Soup....continued

More on my tortellini soup...

While no one in my family would try the soup, Meg kept commenting that first night about how good it smelled.  Unfortunately I was unable to coax her into trying it.  Instead she insisted on a bowl of Cheerios for dinner. Yesterday I had a late lunch and had heated myself up some soup while Meg was starting her homework.  Once again she kept commenting on how good it smelled.  I offered her $1 to try a tortellini.  She said that wasn't near enough so we ended up settling on $5.  (I know Mom and Dad are shaking their heads right now but I do what I have to do.) She finally tried the broth, tomatoes or spinach...and smiled.   For another $5 she ate a small bowl (no spinach) and agreed that she would eat it for dinner next time I fixed it.  Bribing a child to eat might not be "your thing" but in my house, it's money well spent.

Now a little bit about Randy's latest project.  He has been very hard at work in our backyard.

He's always grown winter tomatoes but this year he has great expectations of a full vegetable garden.   I'll keep you posted as to his progress. 

PS - My sis got the inspiration to the title of this post correct.  It was a line from Steve Martin in the Jerk, as you already know, one of my all time favorite movies.  



Mom said...

Not sure we can afford to have Meg here for Thanksgivng. ;-)

Catherine said...

ROFL at your mom's comment! Good luck to Randy on the vegetable beds!

Helmka Family said...

he-he-he...we bribe too, my son is a very picky eater and it is the only way.
The soup sounds yummy!

Chris said...

Can I come over and have you cook for me then collect $10 when I try it?? Sounds like a pretty good deal...