Thursday, March 31, 2016

This Week

As I suspected, life around here has been exceptionally busy.  Sweet little Fin has been keeping me company this week and was able to keep up with all of our comings and goings with a smile.  His other grandma arrived last night so she's staying with him for the remainder of the week.  It's very quiet here right now.  I'm already thinking that I'll need to go steal him for a bit this weekend.

There's so much that I should be doing today but I think it's going to be a play day in JulieWorld. I'm feeling the need to make something.  After that I'll probably spend some time reading.  My local book club meets next week and I only just downloaded the book.  We're reading something a bit different this time ... Devil in the White City - A Saga of Magic and Murder at the Fair that Changed America.

Before I start my day though I wanted to share the big news of the week. Notice anything different about this girl's smile?

No braces!

She is happy beyond words and three days later still can't keep from checking herself out in the mirror.  Perhaps now she'll allow me to take her picture a bit more often.  :-)


1 comment:

Catherine said...

Woohoo!! Great stuff!