Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dueling Weather Apps

My dear friend Catherine just blogged about the -1 degree temps they were having earlier this week in Idaho.  As a Floridian for the past 32.5 years, that is nothing short of BRUTAL.

In stark contrast, here is our weather snapshot taken on the same day here...

That's a difference of 81 degrees!   In the days since then however south Florida has been deluged with rain which is expected to continue through the weekend and possibly into Monday.   Our current weather is a cool and drizzly 73 degrees, perfect for turning off the AC and opening up the French doors.  I had hoped to get our outdoor holiday decorations up but other than that, I honestly don't mind the rain.

A little funny...Meg and I were watching The Weather Channel earlier this morning.  The meterologist was commenting on the unusually mild temperatures in MN.  He remarked that while 40 degrees was still sweatshirt weather, it certainly wasn't parka weather.  Meg's immediate response was "that IS parka weather, and another parka and then another parka."  ROFL! That's my native Floridian for ya.  


Catherine said...

LOL.....Well fortunately it isn't that cold anymore. :)

Unknown said...

It's been amazing weather in Michigan for December! Yesterday I was out in jeans and a t-shirt because it was 48 degrees and felt so nice.