Friday, December 6, 2013

Proud Mommy Moment

While in Orlando last weekend Meg and I had the opportunity to meet up with Jay and Colleen.  They've recently moved to a new area of town and it couldn't be a more perfect fit for them....close to shopping, restaurants, bars, parks, etc., all within walking distance.  I'm so very happy for them and can't wait to visit again.

And speaking of happy!  Their RN licenses were waiting in the mailbox when we returned from lunch/shopping.  

They've both worked very hard and we are so proud.  Colleen was just promoted to RN at a clinic where she was already employed while Jay has two interviews scheduled for next week with two local hospitals. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

And now for the Christmas card photo.....

I am so lucky to be their mom.  LOVE YOU!


Catherine said...

That's just great!!!

Laura said...

Congrats to the two for getting their license! That's awesome! And love the photo of the "kids"!