Friday, December 20, 2013


I'm usually ready for Christmas weeks before the big day but somehow I am struggling this year to get it all done.  Between working and all of my volunteer hours at the school along with all of the other things I offer to do for friends/school/cheer, I am exhausted and so not ready.  I keep asking myself "How can that be?" knowing that I did 90% of my shopping online.  Oh well, it is what it is.

Today is Meg's last day of school so I spent the morning wrapping her gifts.  I plan to have her help me wrap the other ones on Monday.  My list for today is full but I wanted to share a few fun photos with you.

Meg pleaded for an Elf on the Shelf this year.  Yes, she knows "the secret" but she thought it would give her a bit of the magic of the season back for her.  I surprised her with an elf on December 2nd, her first day back from the Thanksgiving/Cheer weekend.

Every day after school she walks in the door and immediately sets about to discover what sort of mischief Mr. Elf has been up to while she was gone.  Here are just a few examples of what she's found...

I must admit that having Mr. Elf around has been a lot of fun.  I have no doubt that we'll see more of his mischievous adventures before December 25th arrives.