Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pinterest, The Total Time Waster

As I believe I've mentioned in the past, since coming out with their IPad app, I've been spending a lot more time on Pinterest lately.  I do try to limit myself to late evenings because as anyone who visits/pins will attest, Pinterest is a notorious "time sucker". But these same people will also concur that the ideas, tips, and creativity that are shared on the site is nothing short of amazing.  You need a Christmas craft? They have one. You want a new recipe for tonight's dinner?  There's a pin for that.  A problem corner in your living room?  Someone has a decorating idea for you. Maybe you need a good laugh?  Well guess what?  You've come to the right place.   (I'm sticking to G rated only because I know I have nieces and nephews who like to read visit her on occasion.)

How about  a few Someecards . . .

True story!

Haha oh yes

And we're supposed to remember it!

It's Ireland Somewhere.

been there......

Maybe some silly photos to make you smile?

I could totally see Jay doing this sort of thing!
OMG!!  bwhahahahahaha!


I dare ya to tell me that this cat DOES NOT look just like Wilford Brimley!
Omg!!!it does look like wilford Brimley.  Too funny.

Funny but not funny...
LMAO too funny !

And is this not sweet?  LOL!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. that sucks.

Ah!  I feel so much better now that I've wasted someone else's time. Want to follow me on Pinterest?  I'm JulesP.

But before signing off I need to leave you with one parting thought . .

Who's with me?  HA!!!!!!
I'm Going To Walmart Need Anything?


Catherine said...


Lynne said...

Thank you for the giggles for the night!

Helmka Family said...

Very funny!

Melanie said...

Love it!