Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Little Silly

I'm in the process of catching up on two years worth of photo editing.  It's a bit overwhelming but I'm trying to do a few folders every day.  I'll get caught up...eventually.    

As I was searching photo files I came across these silly little tags that I made for a friend who had major surgery this past June.  

Her favorite "adult beverage" is a vodka/Fresca cocktail so I thought it would be cute to pretend like she was receiving them IV during her stay in the hospital.  I made these sparkly, very girlie looking tags out of stuff from my scrap room and took them to her the first evening.  Even "out of it" she got quite a kick out of them.  Apparently the doctors and nurses all got quite a laugh out of them every time they entered the room too.

I particularly like the way the morphine sign rounds out her "mommy cocktail."


Catherine said...

That's funny!! And I don't even drink...!

Melanie said...

What a great friend you are!