Monday, August 10, 2015

Illinois - Part 2

As I mentioned yesterday, my cousin and his family live in the country.  The family business is cattle so my little "city" girl got a glimpse of farm life.

On their property they have chickens, guineas and turkeys.  Mr. Tom Turkey especially liked to come visit us on the porch.

He was like a parrot.  If you "gobbled" at him, he would gobble back at you.  :-)

Meg eventually braved a peek into the hen house.

There were also geese in nearby fields....

and cows....

and haybales...

and corn.  Lots and lots of corn.  We had the opportunity to pick sweet corn one afternoon for dinner later that evening.  It's even more fun when you get to ride in a Polaris to a neighboring farm.

And finally, just a bit of childhood nostalgia.  I have very fond memories of playing with these as a kid.

I still love cattails.

What I couldn't photograph was the smell of the fresh air.  It was absolutely refreshing.

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