Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Day with Fin

As I mentioned last week, I was asked to help out with Fin last week while Jay did some car shopping.  I was up and out of the house at 7:30 AM, arriving just after 10:00.  I hope Jay and Colleen don't mind but I have to share this photo in order to set the scene.

This is what I saw upon entering their living room.

I have a feeling that my reaction is similar to what others have upon entering JulieWorld. ROFLMAO!

Fin and I had a great day.  But boy is he ever one busy little guy.

After a while he did start to get fussy but nothing that a little Winnie the Pooh can't fix.

We played hard and slept hard.  Not only did we have a great day together but his daddy had a very successful day car shopping.

At this point, it was just past 7:00 PM and my day was done.  I arrived home around 9:30, one very tired but very happy grandma.


1 comment:

Catherine said...

Yeah, I'm still chuckling at the the corral....