Monday, July 7, 2014

Yes, I'm Still Here (Part 2)

Summer continues to be very busy.  Meg and I had a fabulous time on our cruise! So much food.  So much fun.  The girls really enjoyed their freedom to come and go on the ship.  I enjoyed the new experiences and just hanging with my BFFs.  I know my mom is anxiously awaiting photos but I haven't had the time to do the post processing quite yet.  They will come though, I promise.

Upon our return home I got the itch to clean out Meg's closet.  (Why unpack when you're just stuffing clothes into a very full and very messy closet?)  The closet turned into the drawers, which lead to under the bed, which led to the bedside tables, etc, etc, etc.  (As my girlfriend Catherine likes to put it, "If You Give Julie a Cookie....")  It took three days but her room is now fabulous and she's very, very happy.  Upon finishing I decided I wanted a fabulous closet as well.  (So goes the "cookie" saga, which if you aren't familiar with children's books you can find here.)  It was only after I finished this new project that I began the unpacking process.

My summer clean out was followed by a visit from Jay and Colleen.  While the visit was short, it's always so nice to see them.  They weren't allowed to leave empty handed though.  We had been storing items (in the garage) that we'd brought back from my parent's home months and months ago.  Now that their stuff is gone it's time for another project.  (To say my garage is disaster zone is putting mildly.) It's filled with furniture that I've been holding onto but know in my heart, I will never use again.   It's time for some hard purging choices.  And that my friends, is my giant undertaking for this week (and maybe on into next.)  Total Garage Clean Out.  It won't be easy but I am determined.  Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was waiting to hear about the cruise! Glad you had a great time! Good luck with the garage.