Friday, July 25, 2014

Still Nibbling that Cookie

My friend Catherine certainly has me pegged.  Give Julie a Cookie and she'll.....

* Clean out her garage (Still in progress, btw.  Waiting on hubby to help sort his stuff)

* Clean out all of her kitchen cabinets, filling one giant trash bag and three boxes for Goodwill

* Decide she doesn't like her glassware or dishes and shops/buys all new ones

* Clean out her desk area (no small undertaking)

* Clean out her TV cabinet, prompting the purchase of new baskets to tidy up the interior

* Clean out her fridge and freezer (and by clean she means clean)

* Decide that the new guest room headboard calls for new lamps as well

* Pile stuff on her dining room table, initiating yet another room purge (next on list)

But today Julie is giving herself the day off and taking Meg and a friend to The Gardens Mall in West Palm to shop for back to school items.


Melanie said...

Good for you! I wish I was more like you. I only did two drawers in the bathroom where I still had the hospital bracelets from when Eric was born!

Catherine said...

You are so good at this....go you!

Unknown said...

One thing leads to another, and another, and another...LOL Go Julie!