Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tough Girl!

Just a quick post to let everyone know that Meg has been doing fabulously.  Her surgery held no surprises (always a concern for me) and she's been such a trooper.  I forced her to take a half a percoset the first afternoon but she's refused all other attempts, saying she really wasn't in that much pain.  She's sporting a nice set of chipmunk cheeks and sleeping alot but otherwise doing extremely well.  I'm going to try to get her up and moving a bit more today and if she's up to it, we'll be traveling across state tomorrow where she can finish her recuperation and I can spend some time with my parents.


Catherine said...

Glad she is doing OK!

Unknown said...

Glad she's coming through like a champ! Enjoy your visit with the parents!

Melanie said...

I'm so glad to hear that she is doing so well.