Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th!

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend.  Unfortunately Randy had to work yesterday however Meggie and I were lucky enough to spend the afternoon at the beach with friends.  Being a holiday, we drove up the coast about 15 minutes to a more secluded area and had a fabulous time, as always.

Maintaining our pact that no photos of adults in swimwear will ever be taken, you'll have to settle for another one of our beautiful children.  *smile*

Meg and I are leaving in about an hour to go camping with another of my BFFs and her daughter.   My BFF has a fully equipped camper (the only kind of camping I care to do) so we aren't exactly roughing it.  We have a surprise scheduled for the girls tonight that know will have them very excited.  (Details when I return.)  In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.  Be safe!


Melanie said...

Fun! I wish we had a beach closer to us. Happy 4th!

Helmka Family said...

Sounds like a fun time! Great photo.