Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Poor Neglected Blog

I've had good intentions of hopping on here every day but somehow it just never happened.  Even with my shopping all completed really early, I still had a very busy month.  I did manage to stay somewhat current on my December Daily (yay!) but there never seemed to be time to photograph for blog updates. I will share a few of my pages after the first of the year.

Also on my plate this month.... I created and mailed out handmade Christmas cards, made all of the gifts for my local girlfriends, put together goodie bags for my first graders, created cards for teachers and school staff, baked more cookies than we can possibly consume, and attended LOTS of holiday parties.

Right now we're enjoying a nice visit with my brother and his family.  This weekend Meg and I will head to Tampa to spend the weekend with the rest of my family.  She starts back to school on the 4th of January so things should be slowing down soon.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday and I'll "see" you after the start of 2012.


Helmka Family said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Julie!

Catherine said...

You got a lot accomplished!

Melanie said...

Have a Happy New Year! I started a DD album but I think I'm going to have to scrub it. I sorely underestimated how busy I would be. You got a LOT done!