Monday, February 24, 2014

On Getting Older

Over the years I have come to grips with the fact that I am getting older and am slowly learning to embrace my husband's philosophy that "only the lucky have birthdays."  He's right.  At a time when many my age (52, there I said it) are grandmothers I am blessed with a second round of motherhood.  Twelve year old Meg definitely keeps me young at heart and for that, I am so grateful.  So while I can trick my mind into believing that I'm in my thirties, my son's birthdays force me back to reality, at least for a little while.  Last week Jay turned 31.  Wow.  It is still so hard for me to comprehend.

I "text hounded" (my new term) him all day for a photo.  Forget that he was busy working a twelve hour shift at his new job.  I'm his mom and I want a birthday photo!   For some illogical reason, he ignored me.  Later that evening however he did oblige me with this....


Ok, I deserved it.  But naturally, it only made me text hound him more.  He finally relented and sent me this...

I take great pride in the fact that he's happy and doing well.  It makes me feel like I did my job as a parent and can only hope the same for my daughter.  What I can't figure out though is how a thirty-five year old woman could have a thirty-one year old son.  It must be that fuzzy math thing.


Catherine said...

Definitely fuzzy math, but I'm totally with you!

Melanie said...

You're young at heart, and that's what counts!