Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Sorry for the lapse.  It's been busy here.  Meg's football team had another round of championship ball last Saturday (they were victorious once again) followed by a cheer performance at the Pineapple Festival on Sunday.  And then there's practice three times a week....

In addition to Meg's activities, subbing has been keeping me very busy.  I think I could work everyday at just the one school if I truly desired but I'm trying to keep it to a maximum of three days a week. Yesterday I had a second grade class.  Tomorrow I have a new group of first graders followed by my first kindergarten class on Friday.  Ironically, I was never one to have much patience with small children but in my "older" years I'm finding it very rewarding and enjoy it immensely.  

And now for a Public Service Announcement....

RaceTrac Gas Stations are having a free coffee week.  It started on Sunday and ends this Saturday.  I had a coupon last week for a free hot beverage and have been a regular ever since.  I mean....look at the coffee bar!!!  Totally awesome.  And yes, I'm enjoying a sugar free vanilla latte right now.  Tastes even more delicious when it's free.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Lol on the PSA! I hear you on the keeping busy. Smaller kids are easier than the older kids that won't listen to you.