Monday, January 27, 2014

2013 Albums

Twenty-seven days into the new year and I'm doing fairly well in the BALANCE department.  *big smile*  I've only accepted two jobs during the last two weeks which has left me some free time to catch up on some scrapping.

I've been able to finish both my 2013 Project Life and December Daily albums which makes me very, very happy.  I'd like to share just a few random excerpts with you.  Please don't judge the photography.  I'm not good with adjustments when it comes to the plastic page protectors.

First off, Project Life....

Some pages from our July trip to Tennessee

Pieces of August & September

October, my birthday month

More October and a glimpse of November

As you can see, Project Life is a method of memory-keeping that involves pocketed page protectors.  It makes it easy to document one's random moments/days without a lot of planning and effort.  I love how it turned out and am already caught up with a similar album for this year, 2014.

The next album I'm going to share is what we in the "scrapworld" refer to as December Daily.  I love the concept and believe this is my 5th such album.  My December albums vary in size and method but each one is very special to me.  This year I chose to do a 6x8 pocketed page protector system.  Here are a few excerpts....

My 2013 Cover

Days 2 & 3

Day 16 (edited out addresses on envelopes)

Christmas Eve (Day 24)

Christmas and the day after

With these projects behind me, I feel like I can finally get back to creating traditional scrapbook layouts.  Balance is a good thing.

As always, thanks for taking the time to stop by!!


Catherine said...

They all look awesome!!

Laura said...

I'm so proud of you Julie! You're working that "balance" great and love seeing the completed albums!

Lynne said...

Wow! They look great! As good for you getting tem all done - that s a lot. Work!