Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Week

This was back to school week for our county and I am happy to report that not only did I survive the week with my Kindergarten/1st grade class, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. We experienced some hiccups of course but all were minor and we had a really great week.

I have to admit that the students are not the only ones being educated.  I learn something new most every day in the classrooms.  For example, this week I was corrected by a six year old student who insisted that the shape I was referring to as a parallelogram was a rhombus.  Well, it turns out that we were both correct. Did you know that a rhombus is a parallelogram with four equal sides?  If not, you're welcome.

And until this past Thursday I had never heard of a tangram.  In the event that you are as in the dark as I was, a tangram is a Chinese puzzle with seven flat shapes (tans) that you assemble in different ways to form pictures.

For our math lesson we read The Tangram Magician and discussed the different shapes.  (Notice the parallelogram?  LOL!) The kids then got to cut the shapes from a handout and make their own creations.  Very fun, interesting and quite educational.

I have no assignments scheduled for this coming week and will probably keep it that way.


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