My daughter has what I call New Stuff Radar when it comes to my crafting supplies. Those of you who have seen JulieWorld know that it is just as well stocked as any Michael's or Joann's. And while I have more things than I could possibly ever use, the whole room is extremely well organized. Be that as it may, I still love new stuff. And as I buy 'said new stuff', I will immediately take them out of their packaging and put them away in their respective spots.
Now enter Meg. She loves to go in there and create things on the fly. Don't get me wrong. I love that she does this but I'll be damned if she doesn't ALWAYS find (and USE) the newest/latest/greatest items in my room. They can be stashed away in a bowl at the back of a shelf (mind you....I have TONS of bowls and TONS of shelves) yet she uses that New Stuff Radar of hers to sniff it out. The most recent example....
Last week I received an online order from 2Peas that included these two bottle of Liquid Pearls.
I immediately put them away with all of my other Pearls, Stickles, glitter glue, etc. Well last night while I was watching TV Meg wandered into the scrap room to work on something. (I never know what that "something" is until she emerges.) She came out 30 minutes later to show off her latest creations, decorated bottle caps. (Bottle caps necklaces are are all of the rage with the girls now.) Meg had made one for herself and three of her closest BFFs using (you guessed it) my brand new red and turquoise Perfect Pearls....and LOTS of it. *sigh* Now mind you, I have three bowls of like items on that shelf so how in the world did she know to grab the brand new ones? Why she possesses New Stuff Radar of course!!!!
I can't totally fault her. I think it's in the genes. Take Jay. Back to school shopping during his tween years was absolutely exasperating when it came to athletic shoes. He had a sixth sense when it came to this year's Ken Griffey Jr./Frank Thomas model vs. last year's model. Seriously? New is new, right? Apparently not. How could we possibly buy the somewhat cheaper last year's model? Never mind that they he hadn't worn them last year. And I possess "Most Expensive Purse on the Rack Radar" meaning that I can walk into any discount store (TJMaxx, Marshalls' etc) and immediately gravitate to the one and only handbag on the rack that still carries a $200+ price tag. Seriously, it NEVER fails.
Such a long story just to show off my daughter's latest creations....
3 comments: nice to see you have a new blog and are posting again!
I am the one that has gotten behind now. ;)
You look gorgeous in your profile photo! Glad to see you running again too. Life looks like it has taken a turn for the better for you. Meg is looking so beatuiful and grown up. Love all your school pages too.
Thanks for posting on my blog.
LOL! This just cracks me up...New Stuff Radar!
I'm pretty sure she knows what you have sonof course she knows what's new plus she has good taste like her mom!
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