Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Family Photos

My brother and his wife recently organized a family vacation in The Keys.  It's difficult for our entire family to all gather at once so this trip was extra special.  

I know not everyone in my family is keen on having their photos shared online so I will only be posting my immediate clan.  Today I thought I'd share a couple of photos taken during our first night's dinner.

You'll have to excuse my mussy look.  I had just spent 15 minutes entertaining a very active Fin outside in the 150 degree heat.  But my husband and daughter look fabulous, don't they?

And is usually the case with a toddler, it was impossible to get a photo of my son, daughter-in-law and grandson all looking at the camera at once.  But given that it was way past his bedtime, a busy boy is a happy boy.

I had no problem getting him to look at me later, especially when he decided he wanted to take the photos.

I'll share additional photos as I get them sorted and edited...not my favorite activity.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

These are great photos! Love how Fin doesn't look in the family photo, but is totally ready to look when he wants the camera, lol!