Friday, December 4, 2015

Finley Friday

It's time for another Friday Focus on Finley and it just so happens that I received the cutest photos from Colleen yesterday.  All but one were too grainy to enlarge but the one I'm sharing tells it all.

This dapper little guy was in line for his first visit with Santa.

I say it every time but "is he not the cutest guy ever?"

Colleen said he was very good, especially given how long the wait was, but he did cry at a bit at the end.  I'm not sure if that means she got happy Santa photos, sad Santa photos or a mix of both.  I do know that I will be anxiously stalking my mailman waiting for my Christmas photo card.  :-)

And if you can possibly stand any more cuteness, I received these photo last night...

Am I wrong when I tell everyone that "he's the cutest little guy ever!" ?

I didn't think so.   :-)


Catherine said...

He is definitely a cute, cute boy!

Unknown said...

Such a cutie!! And that hat cracks me up!