Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Look Up in the Sky...

It's a bird!
It's a plane!

It's Marty McFly, Doc and Jennifer!

In case you weren't aware, today is the day that the three time travelers will be arriving via their DeLorean to save Marty and Jennifer's future son from making a huge mistake that will ultimately ruin his life.

Naturally Meg had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned this little tidbit of information last week.  I did a quick search on my streaming channels to find that only Amazon had the movies. They were not included in Prime (i.e., free) so we passed.  Jeff Bezo's must have read our minds though because on Monday there was an email in my box announcing that in honor of Back to the Future Day, all three movies were free with Prime this week.  :-)

Meggie and I have watched one movie an evening for the past three days.  She was skeptical at first (how could she possibly like a movie that I liked?) but she was hooked almost from the start.  I mean, c'mon!  Is there anyone out there that didn't enjoy at least the first Back to the Future movie?

While we don't have flying vehicles or self drying jackets in 2015, it was so fun to see all of the changes from 1985.  I also found it quite educational.  In the final movie where they went back to 1885, Doc breaks up with Clara and then heads to a bar to get sloshed,  He mentions that she was "one in a billion, one in a googleplex."  What????  I immediately googled googleplex only to discover that it's spelled googolplex, the term for 10 to the 100th power. Ok...explains a lot Larry Page and Sergey Brin.  Am I the last to figure that one out?????

With that, I urge everyone to take a moment this afternoon (4:29 PM, Pacific Time  *wink*) to look up into the skies for a glimpse of the ever famous DeLorean and pay homage to one of the best movies ever made.


Catherine said...

Totally fun!!!!

Unknown said...

A DeLorean was left at our local news station - doors up and everything. Someone in the neighborhood owns it and thought they would enjoy it.