Sunday, October 25, 2015

Another Proud Mommy Moment

Here in Florida they recently did away with the highly controversial FCAT exam (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) in lieu of what's known as the FSA. (Florida Standards Assessment.)  Umm....I really don't understand why the FSA would be deemed any better but it's not like the students get a choice.

You may remember my recent brag about Meg's score of a 5 on her most recent science FCAT, the highest level on the 1-5 scale.  (Yes, very confusing.  They gave out the FSA for reading and math last spring but kept the FCAT for science. ???)  I am still so very proud of her for that accomplishment.  Well, the FSA scores for last spring's exams were just released on Friday.  To add to the confusion, their preliminary scores are based on percentiles rather than the numerical 1-5 scores which will come out in January.  (Don't even get me started on the "WTF?" with respect to the state's untimely response.) *grumble, grumble, grrrrr*

But moving on....

Meg ranked in the 63rd percentile on her reading exam which is no big surprise. Reading has never been her strong suit.  (Neither was it for Jay or I.)  She scored above the state average and I'm definitely okay with that.  (I'm guessing that this will rank as a 3 on the 1-5 scale.)

She also received her math scores.

Do you see that says?????  She ranked in the top 4% of the state!  (The maximum score possible is a 99.)  HOLY F'in SCHMOLY.  Keep in mind that this is the same girl who has received a score of 2 on her last three FCAT math exams.  This will most definitely be a score of 5 when the numerical scores come out and we could not be more proud. (And had we received these scores last summer she would be in honors math instead of on-level with the unsavory kids this year.  Thank you so much, State of Florida.)

She started out slow but Baby Girl has made gigantic strides these last two years.  WTG Meg!  We are sooooo very proud of you!!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

That's just AWESOME!!!