Thursday, April 16, 2015


In a previous post I aluded to Meg's fascination with the legendary Bigfoot.  I really don't know for sure when her preoccupation began but I'm guessing that it occurred soon after a certain fairy, bunny, leprechaun and man in red were so abruptly taken away from her.

Meg is a believer.  100%.  We have animated debates on the likelyhood of Zombies vs. Sasquatches with neither of us ever truly "winning."  For the past several years her favorite pastime has been watching anything and everything Bigfoot related on TV.

Her favorite show is Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet.  Over the years it has become something of a bonding time between she and Randy.  She takes this show very seriously, even going as far as to stop, rewind and pause to scrutinize and debate the footage with her daddy.  As for me, I'm usually in the other room eavesdropping.  (I absolutely refuse to watch any show that features a grown man who goes by the name Bobo.)  She has watched every episode at least a half dozen times.  Seriously?  If they didn't find him the first time do you think the outcome will change if you watch it again? ROFL!

Another show she has started watching is Survivorman Bigfoot on the Discovery Channel.  Randy has always been interested in his earlier shows (Survivorman) so it's become another father/daughter bonding time.  Again, count me out.

Her fascination isn't isolated to just cable networks.  Yesterday I tuned in to my YouTube subscriptions to watch card making videos (yes, laugh if you must) only to discover this in my "Recommendations" . . .

The only evidence I see is that "Meg was here."  

I will conclude with a conversation that she and I had last fall.  It went like this....

Meg:  "Mom, the new season of Finding Bigfoot" starts next week!"
Me:  "Seriously?  They're making another season?"
Meg:  "Duh.  They haven't found him yet."

Now who can argue with that logic.  :-)

1 comment:

Catherine said...

ROFL....that's great!!