Thursday, December 1, 2011

Words with Friends - strike that....Family

Any fellow Words with Friends addicts out there?  Jay got me hooked on the game last year right after he got his IPhone and we've played almost daily every since.  (With him living out of town, it's a great way for Mom {me} to know he's ok without it looking like I'm checking up on him. *wink*)

Words is an app that's based on the board game Scrabble.  You download the app, make a screen name for yourself and then invite friends (who have done the same) to play with you.  It's become so addicting that Randy and I will play each other on our "I Devices" even while sitting on the same couch.  Sometimes we have 10 or more games going and will ping each other back and forth, question words, laugh, boast etc,.....all from three feet away.  Meg will play from her IPhone on occasion but usually gives up before she finishes a game.

My mother has always loved Scrabble so it was a game we played alot as kids. When we all showed up with "I Devices" over Thanksgiving it wasn't long before she was interested and soon hooked.  (We brought three Iphones and an Ipad, my brother showed up with 2 Iphones and an Ipad and my niece and nephew each had their IPod Touches.)

Mom started out playing all of my current games which included about 8 with Randy and several more with Jay.  My youngest nephew wanted to play so I gave him Meg's Iphone.  My brother then had me download the app onto his Ipad so Mom could play on that as well.  Of course by now my sister's kids wanted in on the action so they started games on their Ipods.  I wish I had a photo of my mom sitting at the kitchen table with two Ipads in front of her playing more than two dozen games.  Everyone kept her very, very busy.  We knew it was bedtime when we'd run down the power on all of the devices.  :)

I didn't want Mom to go into withdrawals when we all left (with our devices in tow) so I downloaded a Scrabble app for her on her Kindle.  Playing a computer isn't quite the same fun as playing your family but she was enjoying it.  My brother (or maybe it's my SIL) has continued with the games this week, which has been a lot of fun.  They were so inspired that their family got out their Scrabble game last Sunday night.  I hope he doesn't mind me sharing but he totally had me laughing my butt off.  This is the photo he sent me with a request for help....

I didn't see it in time to assist but thought it was hilarious nontheless. Ahh...gotta love technology!

A bit more on Words before I sign off.   If anyone wants to play with me, I'm JB,FL2 on both Words and Hanging with Friends and I'd love me some fresh blood.  :)  Just promise me you aren't this person....


...although I now see that even this record seems to have been broken.  

Made me feel pretty darned small.


Catherine said...

OK....I'm just a little intimidated now....

Lynne said...

Yeah I am not sure I want to play with you, but I love story.

Melanie said...

All right, I just started a game with you. We'll see... ;) I've enjoyed Words with Friends for a year and a half or so. I go through phases with how much I like it, but I usually play consistently. I do love the social aspect of it. Patrick doesn't play anymore because he can't keep up with it. My in-laws don't understand why we don't just use a Scrabble board. I tried Hanging with Friends for a while but I didn't like it. I just deleted that one from my phone.