Unless of course you call having the AC kick on in early December frightful. Our early mornings and evenings here in south Florida are pleasant but our daytime hours have been unseasonably hot. I guess that's the price you pay to live in paradise.
These photos are for my dear friend Catherine who yesterday had to deal with 12 degree temps and snow flurries.
I may be complaining but I'll take 81 over 12 any day. Just so you will probably see these photos again as they are going into yesterday's page for my December Daily album. The first four days of December are complete but I haven't had a chance to scan them in yet. Hopefully I can share some tomorrow. Til then, stay cool!!! (or should I say "stay warm"?) :)
Oh....and my thanks to both Mel and Catherine who are now playing Words with me. :) (You should both start games with each other now!)
Lynne???? Karen???
ROFLMBO! And I will take my 12 degrees, thank you very much, over your 81...really I would.
And it's your move...:)
Yikes! I am afraid you would beat my pants off! LOL! ;)
Gosh...what I would give for 80 degrees...sigh. It was 0 here overnight on Monday and 5 when I woke up on Tuesday morning. BRRR!
Love the photo of you in the car with the top down!
So what are the word games? I am so out of the loop on things. ;)
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