Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chore Lists

Is anyone here a list maker?  I certainly am.  I live by my lists and even joke that I have "lists for my lists".  One time I actually put "make a list" as the first thing on my list just so I could have the satisfaction of crossing it off.  (It's an illness, I know.)

I keep a bound notebook for all of my lists which include lists for errands, lists for craft projects, lists for scrapbook pages I want to create, lists for home improvement projects and of course, lists for those dreaded cleaning/organizing projects.  I add and cross off as I go but somehow for every one thing I accomplish, I find two more to do.  Why is that?  When a list page fills I start another, carrying over those things that never seem to get done.  You know the ones, the ones you procrastinate the most.  The ones you hate but also the ones that, when done, give you the most satisfaction.  Well, that leads me to today.

I have ceramic tile in three bathrooms and my laundry room.  I used to be so good about keeping my grout squeaky clean but in the year and a half since my shoulder injury, it's just not been physically possible.  It's that one chore that "been on the list" and carried over day after day after day.  Well, no longer.  :) I spent my morning bleaching, scrubbing, mopping, (lather, rinse, repeating) all four rooms and am happy to say they look great.  Unfortunately I don't think any amount of ginger is going to help my aching joints.  My thumbs, shoulder and the "hitch in my giddyup" are already screaming.  It looks like I'm be helping myself to my daughter's prescription medicine for a few days.

But isn't this pretty?  It just makes me smile!  (Yes, I know...the "illness" coming out in me again.)

Now if I could only get my family to step over all grout lines for the next few months.  (You know, the ole "don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back" saying from when we were kids.)  Think they'll buy it?


Catherine said...

It looks awesome!!

Helmka Family said...

I am as bad as you Julie! I don't let my hubby or son come in with shoes on. Bad huh? :)
You did a great job, the floor looks very pretty.

Melanie said...

LOL! Great job!