Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's 5 o'clock Somewhere....

While vacationing a few weeks ago with friends, Michelle and I discovered these cute clocks hanging in a Key West shop.

We thought they were darling but at $80 apiece I knew I could do better.  In fact, I told Michelle I thought I could make them for $15.  So Little Ms. OCD was on mission.  I gathered my materials and sat down yesterday to make my version.

What do you all think?  I'm biased of course but I like mine alot better.  LOL!!!! Michelle, I hope you like it, 'cause this one's all yours hon.  :)  Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality!!!!  xoxoxox

My Supplies....

CLOCK - Target --  $3.99 plus tax = $4.26

SALT SHAKERS -- -- Case of 24/$7.69 plus shipping.  Bought two cases for a total of $27.08 which brings a dozen to $6.77.

PAINT MARKERS -- Michael's --  Set of 5/$4.99 which will be enough for the 4 clocks I have supplies for.  Total cost per clock = $1.25.

Grand Total for my Version?  $12.28  Am I good or what?  :)


Anita said...

Awesome! Makes me want a margarita!

Anonymous said...

I love the frugal crafter in you! Well done on the clocks! You could probably do these for a craft fair or school sale (okay, depending on the attitude of the school...)

Catherine said...

These turned out very cute!!

Joyce said...

It turned out great!