Now that things have calmed down a bit here I've started accepting a few substitute jobs again. I subbed for a very well behaved second grade class last Friday as well as a great third grade class yesterday. This coming Friday I have a different third grade class and yet another (different) third grade class in early May. Are you noticing a pattern?
Why third graders? Well my experience has shown that by this age most students have grown out of the "needy" stage but have yet to reach the "let's see how much we can get away with" stage. They've matured beyond the "she says she's not inviting me to her birthday party"... and "he says he's not going to be my friend anymore" phases. (Trust me, it goes on ALL day. *sigh*) They also understand the concept of working independently and can acknowledge the consequences of bad behavior. Besides that, it's just a really great age and I have yet to have a bad day with a third grade class.
So, if you're planning to sub elementary school...or wish to become a teacher....take my advice and stick to third grade. :-) They pretty much ROCK!