We had a great visit with Jay, Colleen and Fin however the little guy woke up Christmas morning with a deep croupy cough which seemed to materialize out of nowhere. He's such a little trooper because even though you could see that he didn't feel well, there was absolutely no fussing or complaining on his part. Unfortunately he has gone downhill since their departure on Saturday and was hospitalized yesterday for persistant fever and dehydration. :-( I'm told that he's feeling better this morning but I'm still awaiting word as to whether or not he's going to be released today. This was the little guy last night watching his nightly episode of Bubble Guppies from the hospital bed.
My heart breaks for the little guy and his parents, who I know must be drained. I'm waiting to hear if they need Grandma backup this week. In the meantime I'd like to share a couple of happier family photos taken on Christmas Eve.
It was so nice to have us all together.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I'll be sure to keep you posted on Fin's recovery and my whereabouts this week.