Saturday, May 31, 2014

Almost Summer!

One more week and the school year is complete.  It's especially exciting to me now that also get the summer off.  ;)  I've really enjoyed subbing and plan to go back next August but a few weeks without any 5:30 AM phone calls will certainly be welcome.

So our summer plans?  Unfortunately Randy is still trying to arrange some time off so a family vacation is still up in the air.  But like I said, Meg and I are free the whole summer. (Insert happy face here.) Hmm...what to do, what to do?  Our solution?  Plan a girls getaway with friends.

My flight attendant BFF is privy to some awesome vacation deals and there was one in particular that was just too good for any of us to pass up.  For my family it involved finally obtaining one of these....

So, after coordinating vacation schedules with my BFFs Kelly and Kelley, the three of us came up with a plan.  For one week in June the three of us, along with our three daughters, will be sailing the western Carribean and we couldn't be more excited!  I've never been on a cruise (still waiting for the cold Alaskan getaway *sigh*) but the price of this one was too phenomenal to even think of passing up. (Two people, seven days, upgraded balcony cabins, taxes, gratuities, fees, etc....$800.  Not per person. That's $800 Total.  Ummm...No Brainer.)  And it's on a ship that Kelly has already been on and loved. It's going to be fabulous!

On a "not so fabulous" summer note, Meg has to have her wisdom teeth removed. After consults with both her orthodontist and an oral surgeon it was confirmed that all four wisdom teeth are blocking the entry of her second (12 year) molars in varying forms and degrees.  Unfortunately for her this means they need to be removed sooner rather than later.  :-(  We have that appointment set for July 14th.  

Additionally, sometime this summer we need to arrange an extended family gathering.  And that family vacation.  And time with Jay and Colleen.  So much to squeeze in to ten short summer weeks.  


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Exciting News!

Actually, lots of exciting news to share.  As many of you are aware, my son Jay completed a BA in Psychology in 2006 but decided to return to college to pursue a career in nursing.  He chose to tackle a dual program which involved pursuing his Associate's in Nursing (RN) concurrently with his Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing.  He graduated from the RN program last December and landed a great job at an Orlando hospital in January. As of two weeks ago, he officially completed his BSN.   We know just what an accomplishment this is, how hard he worked to achieve it, and couldn't be more proud.

Nursing school not only opened the door to an exciting new career but it also introduced him to a very lovely young lady who is also now a practicing RN.  We loved her immediately.  My parents loved her immediately. My friends loved her immediately.  She is the "whole package"....warm, down to earth, thoughtful, intelligent, funny, etc., etc., etc.  But most importantly, she makes my son happy which in turn makes me love her even more.

You've probably guessed by now where this post is heading.  Yes, I am thrilled to announce that this lovely woman, Colleen, will soon be my daughter-in-law.

As much as I already knew she was the "one" for my son, she sealed the deal with the note she included in her Christmas card which read "Thank you for raising the most wonderful man I have ever known." Ummm....yeah, she's totally in.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day but before I get go into details, let me back up just a bit.  Here are the cards I sent out to my mom and mother-in-law earlier in the week.

For my mom....

And for my MIL...

Here's the card I received from Meg.  She put her new Microsoft course at school to good use.

Randy, Meg and I got our boat out of winter storage and took her out for her 2014 maiden voyage.  She started right up.

Disclaimer....all photos are from my IPhone 5S taken on a moving boat.

We did something a bit different, opting for a leisurely cruise inland which meant lots of bridges.

Jay called not long after we returned.  He and Colleen are doing well but working a lot.  I miss them both terribly and hope to see them in the next few weeks.

Lastly, my Mother's Day ended with Randy cooking a nice meal on our new infrared grill.

LOVE it!  No more charred/raw chicken.   It was delicious.

I hope everyone had as perfect 'a day as I did.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Quick Drive By

As you all know, I've been in a card making phase as of late but do have a few recent layouts to share. I apologize up-front for the crooked photos.  I should have taken a bit more care when photographing but I didn't...and I'm not re-doing them.  *wink*  I'd rather spend my time scrapping.  :-)


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Like Mother, So Not Like Daughter

First things first.  Today is....

Thank you Cathy Zielske.  :-)  

I haven't yet decided if I will be celebrating by scrapping or scrappy shopping. Decisions, Decisions.  (Hey, it all counts!)

Maybe I'll scrap this photo of Meg for her School Year album.  She came home with it this week declaring how horrible it was so I braced myself for the worst.'s beautiful!  

She has yet to experience "horrible."  Exhibit A....

This is what I looked like at twelve.  'Nuff said.