It's the Sansa Clip MP3 player. The photo is deceiving because this baby is TINY. Really tiny.
I've owned and loved the Sansa Fuze for years but it's much larger than this little guy. It's been a great running companion but the dial became frustratingly finicky. (I love to run to Maroon 5 and Maroon 5 only so if the dial switched, I was basically out of luck.)
Mom has been walking to audio books on CDs for years and decided to streamline to MP3s. (WTG Mom!) She bought one of these and brought it along with her on their visit a couple of weeks ago. We downloaded several audio books onto the device and by the end, I was hooked. I placed an order on Amazon that very night.
All of this leads me to running. Or should I say, walking. In the last several months I've had to reduce both my mileage and my outings because my poor aching bod just couldn't take it. I'd been limping around like an 80 year old and was back on NSAIDS for the inflammation and pain. Randy has been pleading with me to stop running and start walking. I'd try but after a few blocks I'd give in to a trot and by the end, I was running again. Maroon 5 was not helping. After years of running to the music it just didn't seem right to walk. I hear the first few beats of a favorite song and off I'd go. Soooo...Mom's method of walking seemed like a good idea. If I'm listening to a book (and not Adam Levine) maybe I could focus on the story and maintain a fast walking pace. It's been just over a week and it's working. I'm enjoying my book (Guilty Pleasures - Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter) and getting out nearly every day. I walk briskly so I'm definitely getting a good workout but I'm not paying the piper afterward. Yes, my hip still bothers me but not nearly to the same degree and I think once it has more time to heal, it will be much, much better. Thanks Mom! the menu.
Monday - Caesar Salad with Grilled Salmon
Tuesday - Chicken Pot Pie
Wednesday - Turkey Meat Loaf, Cauliflower/Potatoes AuGratin
Thursday - Tuscan Bean Soup
Friday - Tacos/Burritos
Sat/Sun - Open/Leftovers
Off to BJs for my weekly shopping!